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Employment Law Estate Planning Medical Malpractice
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Family Law Foreclosure Defense Landlord Tenant
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Appeals and Appellate Estate Planning Insurance Claims
Arbitration and Mediation Bankruptcy Intellectual Property
Communications and Internet Law Domestic Violence Medical Malpractice
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Native American Law Arbitration and Mediation Environmental Law
Consumer Law Social Security Disability
Patents Tax Law Intellectual Property
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International Law Social Security Disability Health Care Law
Insurance Defense Public Benefits Legal Malpractice
Immigration Law Elder Law Animal and Dog Law
Entertainment and Sports Law Health Care Law Environmental Law
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Ross Perkal Albuquerque Bernalillo County New Mexico

Ross B Perkal is a longtime New Mexico attorney and member of the business community. With a bachelor?s degree in mechanical engineering and a master?s degree in civil engineering (Construction Management), Perkal uses his technical background to represent a diverse range of business interests. Perkal focuses on assisting a broad range of technology-based companies with their real estate, construction, corporate and business law needs, including proprietary protection, contracts, joint venture agreements and mergers and acquisitions and employment law issues. Most recently Perkal has been pion...


Stephen Comeau Albuquerque Bernalillo County New Mexico

Steve is an experienced business attorney with over 36 years of experience. Once a litigator, then a general counsel for a prominent accounting firm in Albuquerque, then a business valuations expert and more, Steve has written many articles and presented many seminars on topics related to business valuation, taxation, fraud prevention, legal compliance and professional practice management. He has been a member of community service organizations and served for years on the Boards of various non-profit organizations in New Mexico....


Emma Lorraine Whitley Albuquerque Bernalillo County New Mexico

Emma Whitley is an attorney at the New Mexico Legal Group handling divorce and family law cases. Emma graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of New Mexico and received her law degree from the University of New Mexico School of Law....


Cynthia Payne Albuquerque Bernalillo County New Mexico

Cynthia Payne is a criminal defense attorney in New Mexico. Cynthia joined the New Mexico Legal Group in 2005 to handle DWI defense and criminal cases. She is a member of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (ATLA), the New Mexico Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, and is a board member of the State Bar?s Criminal Law Section....


Donald Kochersberger Albuquerque Bernalillo County New Mexico

Donald F. Kochersberger is a Member of the firm and has been with BLSW since 2005. His practice emphasizes complex litigation matters, including shareholder, member and partner disputes, contracts, business tort, unfair practices, restrictive covenant and non-compete agreements, employee theft and misconduct cases, and customer and vendor disputes. Mr. Kochersberger has served as counsel for a number of local, regional and national companies, as well as individuals engaged in business disputes.  Mr. Kochersberger also represents clients accused of malfeasance in criminal courts, as well as adm...


Lewis Terr Albuquerque Bernalillo County New Mexico

Lewis Terr has spent the majority of his legal career serving government entities, first a municipality in the metropolitan Boston area and recently the New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department, representing it for the past 20 years in all its tax programs, including property tax, as well as service to the Motor Vehicle Division in various matters related to drivers and vehicles, such as driver license revocations and motor vehicle dealer and auto recycler compliance. Mr. Terr has extensive experience in administrative hearings, regulatory compliance, protests, and litigation. Mr. Terr spent...


Timothy Mortimer Albuquerque Bernalillo County New Mexico

Blindly throwing your business? energy and money at a legal problem and hoping for the best is not likely to yield a result that makes sense for your company. Even if you win a legal battle, it is a small consolation if you lose the business war. The tail shouldn?t wag the dog. Any solution to a legal issue for your company has to make sense for your business, not just your lawyers. The Law Firm of Business Law Southwest understands this and will help you make sense of it all....


Jessica Roth Albuquerque Bernalillo County New Mexico

Jessica Roth is an attorney at the New Mexico Legal Group in Albuquerque. Jessica handles divorce, child custody, child support, and complex property division....