Lawyers in Albuquerque

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Business Law Construction Law Arbitration and Mediation
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Real Estate Law Personal Injury Employment Law
Workers' Compensation Criminal Law Divorce
Domestic Violence Medical Malpractice Asbestos and Mesothelioma
Nursing Home Abuse Collections Divorce
Criminal Law DUI and DWI Insurance Claims
Consumer Law DUI and DWI Domestic Violence
Civil Rights Civil Rights Business Law
Nursing Home Abuse Family Law Foreclosure Defense
Probate Energy Oil and Gas Law
Environmental Law Legal Malpractice Workers' Compensation
Social Security Disability Appeals and Appellate Civil Rights
Products Liability Energy Estate Planning
Divorce Trademarks Communications and Internet Law
Employment Law Estate Planning Medical Malpractice
Criminal Law Employment Law Tax Law
Family Law Foreclosure Defense Landlord Tenant
White Collar Crime DUI and DWI Products Liability
Appeals and Appellate Estate Planning Insurance Claims
Arbitration and Mediation Bankruptcy Intellectual Property
Communications and Internet Law Domestic Violence Medical Malpractice
Collections Foreclosure Defense Probate
Tax Law Native American Law Education Law
Native American Law Arbitration and Mediation Environmental Law
Consumer Law Social Security Disability
Patents Tax Law Intellectual Property
Antitrust Law Intellectual Property Insurance Defense
Insurance Defense Entertainment and Sports Law Entertainment and Sports Law
Real Estate Law Gov and Administrative Law Health Care Law
International Law Social Security Disability Health Care Law
Insurance Defense Public Benefits Legal Malpractice
Immigration Law Elder Law Animal and Dog Law
Entertainment and Sports Law Health Care Law Environmental Law
Construction Law Gov and Administrative Law Consumer Law
Municipal Law


Monica Newcomer Miller Albuquerque Bernalillo County New Mexico

Monica Newcomer Miller is an associate at Noble & Vrapi, P.A. Monica received her J.D. from the University of New Mexico School of Law where she graduated Magna Cum Laude. During law school she served as the President and Vice President for the Public Interest Law Section, raising funds and providing resources for students interested in serving in the public interest legal sector. She also received Clinical Honors and the Dean?s Award for significant contribution to the law school community. She spent a summer of her law school career in Guatemala volunteering with community based organi...


Sarah S. Thomas Albuquerque Bernalillo County New Mexico

Sarah Thomas specializes in employment-based immigration and worksite compliance at Noble & Vrapi, P.A. Her practice includes employment-based and employer-sponsored immigration, I-9 compliance, and highly qualified, self-petitioner cases, among others. Ms. Thomas works with clients to strategize the visa, status, and work authorization needs of U.S. and global entities and staff/personnel: This includes managers and executives, professionals, treaty investors and treaty traders, essential workers, ?extraordinary ability? petitioners, students, and trainees. Her work in the I-9 compliance ...