Family law Lawyers in Maryland

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Virginia Joehl Rockville Montgomery County Maryland

Welcome to Joehl Law where you will find Strong, Compassionate Representation for Your Family Law Needs. Virginia B. Joehl graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She completed psychological clinical work in family counseling and behavior modification. Afterwards, she pursued her law degree at the University of Baltimore. Virginia is a member of the Montgomery County Bar Association, Maryland State Bar Association, American Bar Association as well as a Master of the Bench with the Montgomery County Inn of Court. She is a lifelong resident of Maryland, a...


Paula J Peters Annapolis Anne Arundel County Maryland

Paula said ?I believe that as an attorney, not only do we vigorously represent our clients but also we have an obligation to look at the law as it exists and as it applies to people and to do what we can to make the law more equitable for everyone.? To ?walk the walk?, Paula Peters has had a major role in revising family law since 1980....


Li Weng Rockville Montgomery County Maryland

Founding partner Li Weng works in Rockville Law Group LLC?s practice areas of estate planning, family law, and immigration. Li brings a background of over 6 years in estate planning, anticorruption, and trade matters, as well as transnational practice experience. Over several years, Li advised multinational companies undergoing internal and SEC investigations on potential violations by the companies? subsidiaries of anti-bribery provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. In addition, she represented companies during ITC investigations of antidumping and countervailing duty matters. Most ...