Hampshire County Lawyers


Peter Irvine Northampton Hampshire County Massachusetts

We offer big city representation from a small town, community-based perspective. Our goal is to be a personal resource for people whatever their legal need. Peter's motivation to become a lawyer was a desire for answers?the legal system seemed arcane and unapproachable. It needed a new interface; one where regular people can get the information and help they need at a reasonable cost and minimal stuffiness. Having spent 30+ years in the entertainment business, Peter offers a firsthand understanding of, and pragmatic solutions to, the situations of our creative clients. Playing in, and manag...


Robert A. Ferris Northampton Hampshire County Massachusetts

Robert A. Ferris began as a 3:03 Prosecutor and moved to Criminal Defense upon being sworn in. Attorney Ferris then went on to also be sworn in at the federal level.Attorney Ferris worked as a Bar Advocate (criminal defense district court panel) taking hundreds of Criminal Cases, ultimately finding his Niche in Domestic Violence Law. This area of practice includes Harassment Prevention and Restraining Orders, Defense of the accused and advocacy for victims. Attorney Ferris is a private Attorney and also contracts with the state for indigent Defendants as well taking all district court-level c...


Jenny A Daniell Esq. Amherst Hampshire County Massachusetts

I am a graduate of Northeastern University School of Law (class of 1984). I became a lawyer to help people and to make a meaningful contribution to the betterment of our society and to social justice. That remains the core of my professional orientation.....


Sean J. Cleary Amherst Hampshire County Massachusetts

Sean J. Cleary is a trial (courtroom) lawyer who works for people who have suffered serious personal injuries. Serious personal injuries can occur as the result of a wide range of conduct, such as the carelessness (negligence) of others, which might include not paying attention while driving or medical malpractice. Serious personal injuries can also occur due to a defective product, such as a medical device, a dietary supplement or a prescribed medication. I also represent the family members of those making wrongful death claims and others who cannot represent themselves, such as children and ...


Peter Vickery Amherst Hampshire County Massachusetts

Peter Vickery has a general civil practice focusing on employment (management side), civil litigation, landlord-tenant (landlord side) and real estate. He is a former member of the Governor's Council and of the State Ballot Law Commission....


Scott D Kuhn Northampton Hampshire County Massachusetts

From Engineer to Business Manager to Entrepreneur to Technology Director and now Lawyer. Whatever your profession -- Whatever your situation -- I can understand and relate. Your first visit with me is free, so don't hesitate to call me to set up an appointment....


Marissa Elkins Northampton Hampshire County Massachusetts

Marissa Elkins is a proven litigator, comfortable in any courtroom environment. Whether a case involves a trial before a jury of twelve in Superior Court or six in District Court, or complicated legal motions and arguments before a judge, Attorney Elkins has the experience and legal expertise to represent clients zealously and with integrity. With experience in courts throughout Western Massachusetts and the rest of the Commonwealth, she is an attorney that commands respect for her clients and works to get them favorable results at every stage of litigation....


Thomas Estes Northampton Hampshire County Massachusetts

Thomas Estes has in the practice of law for over 22 years in various capacities, including Associate Justice of the District Court in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. After receiving his law degree from William & Mary School of Law, He was a successful Patent and Trademark Litigation Attorney in Virginia, then moved on to becoming a Public Defender in Northern Virginia, where he very passionately defended indigent clients. Thomas moved to Massachusetts in 2002 where he first worked as a Public Defender and in 2006 was promoted to Attorney-in-Charge for Committee for Public Counsel Servic...


Devlin Farmer Northampton Hampshire County Massachusetts

My legal career started with a passion for helping people in need. After graduating from the University of Ottawa in 1999, I returned to my home province of British Columbia, Canada to article (apprentice) with legal aid. My first posting as a newly minted Barrister & Solicitor was at the start of the Alaska Highway in northern British Columbia. Right away, I was thrown into early morning bail hearings, arguing appeals, conducting family and criminal trials, appearing in Provincial and Superior Court, managing a legal aid office and working closely with First Nations and other community g...