Medical malpractice Milwaukee County Lawyers in Milwaukee - Wisconsin


Marcella Spoto Milwaukee Milwaukee County Wisconsin

Has litigated hundreds of case in a variety of civil areas across Wisconsin and nationally....


Daniel Rottier Milwaukee Milwaukee County Wisconsin

Attorney Daniel A. Rottier has been with Habush Habush & Rottier since 1979. In his role as Chief Operating Officer, he monitors the twelve offices of the firm. His own work focuses on medical negligence, product liability and general liability matters.Dan has been recognized by many legal organizations for the quality of his work. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers; a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers; a Diplomat of the American Board of Trial Advocates and a Fellow of the Wisconsin Law Foundation. He has been named as one of the top ten attorneys i...


Thomas A. Ogorchock Milwaukee Milwaukee County Wisconsin

Thomas A. Ogorchock is an aggressive advocate for injured people and their families in personal injury and wrongful death cases throughout Wisconsin. Known as a skilled litigator and negotiator, he has successfully tried numerous cases to verdict...


Don Prachthauser Milwaukee Milwaukee County Wisconsin

Mr. Prachthauser is a frequent presenter and speaker for the State Bar of Wisconsin, American Board of Trial Advocates, and Wisconsin Academy of Trial Lawyers. He has been a Civil Trial Practice Instructor at the University of Wisconsin Madison-Law School....


Daniel J O'Brien Milwaukee Milwaukee County Wisconsin

Dan has tried over seventy cases to juries, including automobile accident cases for defendants and plaintiffs, medical malpractice cases for plaintiffs and defendants and coverage questions for insurers and insured's. Dan has represented and obtained recoveries for several minors in significant injury cases and has tried punitive damage cases to juries as well. He has represented clients in hundreds of mediations where he has helped them resolve matters without the expense and uncertainty of trial. Dan also represents clients in Arbitration hearings and represents businesses and professionals ...