Domestic violence Kings County Lawyers in Brooklyn - New York


Brian Daniel Perskin Brooklyn Kings County New York

While many divorces and cases can be settled amicably, it is to your benefit to have a lawyer stand up for you and your children. At the Law Offices of Brian D. Perskin & Associates P.C., we have the experience and skill necessary to protect your family. We also understand the difficulties and confusion that the majority of family law cases present. That is why our team of professional attorneys strives to provide each individual client with the knowledge, communication, attention and dedication they deserve. We value our clients and we fight for successful case results. The Law Offices o...


Elliot Green Brooklyn Kings County New York

My name is Elliot Green. Born and raised in Brooklyn, I am proud to serve as a family law attorney for people throughout New York City. I am dedicated to using my experience to help people like you get through very stressful times.I am not just a family lawyer ? I am a family man. As husband and father of three, I know the value of family. I understand what is at stake and will work to protect you during highly emotional legal situations....


(718) 260-8668


Wilson Antonio Lafaurie Brooklyn Kings County New York

Going on 25 YEARS as a Criminal Defense Lawyer, every facet of criminal jurisprudence has been learned & perfected. Former Prosecutor so I know how Law enforcement operates and vast experience defending clients in NY, BK, Queens, SI & LI....