Domestic violence Multnomah County Lawyers in Oregon - Oregon


Natalie Hedman Gresham Multnomah County Oregon

With over a decade of legal experience, Attorney Natalie Hedman has the in-depth knowledge and insights to help her clients find answers to their difficult questions. At Hedman Family Law, L.L.C., her team understands the challenges clients face, and they offer helpful guidance and compassionate care to help you get through your situation with hope and confidence. Ms. Hedman was awarded the Michael E. Haglund Award Multnomah Bar Association in 2012 for her commitment to her clients. Whether you are considering a divorce or you need to modify your child custody arrangements, her team stands rea...


Chamber Dorheim Gresham Multnomah County Oregon

Chamber Dorheim believes that, after a relationship ends, people are still family?just in a different form. She approaches her cases in a way that preserves that family connection where possible.Chamber has practiced family law in Oregon for more than 13 years. She enjoys the varied challenges that family law brings. One day she might be helping people come up with a good plan for their children and the next she might be creatively resolving financial issues. Her practice includes divorce, separation, child custody, restraining orders, and modifications of support and visitation.Chamber joined...


Laura Gardner Gresham Multnomah County Oregon

As a family lawyer, Laura Gardner uses her experience handling a wide range of matters to advocate for the best interests of both children and parents. Primarily, Lauren offers legal representation for families during child custody disputes, helping parents attain the sole or joint custody arrangement they need.Laura understands that a custody battle is one of the most life-altering challenges a family can face. When the preservation of a child?s best interests hinges on the outcome of a custody battle, Laura works for that outcome as though she were fighting for her own child.Laura also provi...