Divorce Lawyers in Tennessee

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William Carroll Cremins Knoxville Knox County Tennessee

Bill Cremins enjoys representing clients in truck and car crash cases, and work related cases, as well as family law cases, such as divorce and custody cases. He graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1980 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from the College of Arts and Science, and a Bachelor of Journalism degree from the School of Journalism. He is included in the University of Missouri Journalism School's Profiles in Success. He graduated from St. John's University, N.Y., in 1984. He was admitted to practice in Tennessee in 1984, and in N.Y. in 1985. He is a sole pra...


Tom Beesley Crossville Cumberland County Tennessee

I am a sole practitioner serving the public for twenty years on the courthouse square in Crossville TN. I am a member of the TN Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and also have a major focus on family and divorce law....