Business law Allegan County Lawyers

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Michael Villar Allegan Allegan County Michigan

Mr. Villar graduated from the University of Michigan Law School and went on to hold clerkships for the Honorable George R. Corsiglia in the Allegan Circuit Court and for the Michigan Court of Appeals. Since entering private practice in 1993, Mr. Villar has participated in numerous high visibility cases throughout Southwest Michigan.Mr. Villar has also worked for one of the largest law firms in America, Dorsey & Whitney. Dorsey & Whitney employed over 330 attorneys and had offices in Minneapolis, Los Angeles, New York, Brussels (Belgium), London (England), and Paris (France). While dema...


(269) 673-3292


Michael Haddock Douglas Allegan County Michigan

Attorney Michael Haddock earned a Master of Laws in Commercial Real Estate Law and Development and a Juris Doctor JD with an emphasis in litigation and has years of corporate insurance law and litigation experience. His clients are individuals and businesses throughout the U.S. with a large percentage from Saugatuck, Douglas, Holland, South Haven, Chicago, and Kent, Van Buren Ottawa, and Allegan Counties. He serves our expanded community in issues regarding real estate, wills and trusts and litigation defending contractors, developers, real estate holding companies, assisted living commu...