Home > Ohio > Summit County > Akron > Atty. Warner Mendenhall

Atty. Warner Mendenhall, Akron, Summit County, Ohio, USA


Warner represents brave whistleblowers who expose the misuse of federal dollars in local government grant programs, military contracting, Medicare and Medicaid programs, and at for-profit proprietary or career schools. These actions, brought under the Federal False Claims Act, empower citizens to act on behalf of the Federal Government to recover misspent and wasted funds. To date, Warner?s clients have helped return almost $20,000,000.00 to the United States Treasury.

Practice Areas

Health Care Law


  • Free Consultation
    Free Initial Consultation
  • Education

    University of Akron
    J.D. (1998) | Law
    University of Akron Logo
    Kent State University
    M.A. (1996) | Political Science.
    Thesis on the impact of traumatic thinking and behavior in Colombian politics. https://www.worldcat.org/title/belisario-betancurs-peace-process-1982-1986-trauma-and-state-autonomy-in-colombia/oclc/35573350
    Kent State University Logo
    University of Akron
    B.A. (1985) | Political Science.
    University of Akron Logo


    22 years of experience


    The Law Offices of Warner Mendenhall
    190 N Union St
    Suite 201
    Akron, OH 44304
    Telephone: (330) 535-9160
    Telephone: (330) 535-9160
    Fax: (330) 762-9743