Home > California > Alameda County > Berkeley > Atty. Manuel Alzamora Juarez

Atty. Manuel Alzamora Juarez, Berkeley, Alameda County, California, USA


Engish Spoken! - manueljuarez.comManuel Juarez es el Abogado de Derechos de Inquilinos en el area de la Bahia. Defiende a inquilinos contra el abuso de propietarios propotentes. El Abogado Juarez es litigador de problemas de viviendas inhabitables, casas sin calenton, incendios de apartmentos, casas, edificios, apartmentos sin calefaccion y mal mantenidos, viviendas defectuosas y evicciones retaliatorias. Si Ud. tiene problemas con su calenton, ducha, o ha sufrido una caida en el piso de su ducha. O su vivienda esta infestada con ratas, cucarachas o chinches, llame al Abogado Defensor de Renteros, Manuel A. Juarez. El defendera sus derechos de inquilino.en la area de la bahia y en selectas ciudades de California como Oakland, San Francisco, Richmond y Concord.LLamelo GRATIS al: 510.206-4492.---Manuel A. Juarez is a Tenant Rights lawyer in the Bay Area. He focuses his practice in defending tenants faced with housing problems, warranty of habitability and retaliatory evictions. If you are faced with a landlord resistance to improving housing issues, such as: Lack of heaterLeaky showersLeaky roofToxic MoldBathroom problemsFaulty wiringBed bugsNo hot waterRat InfestationCockroach InfestationApartment firesHouse firesFlea InfestationSewer problemsIn 1999, Mr. Juarez founded The Law Offices of Manuel A. Juarez. Since then, Mr. Juarez has represented numerous high-profile clients in State and Federal Courts. Mr. Juarez treats every client with respect and integrity and approaches every client with a focus on integrity, advocacy, and understanding. Mr. Juarez defends tenants with housing problems, such as: lack of heating, sewer back-ups, fires, rats, bedbugs, other cockroaches and or badly maintained housing or apartments. If your landlord is unresponsive, when you complain regarding your housing issues, call me at (510) 206-4492. I will defend your tenant rights. View More ?

Practice Areas


  • Free Consultation
    on Personal Injury cases and Landlord Tenant cases
  • Credit Cards Accepted
  • Contingent Fees
    All personal injury cases are on contingency.
  • Education

    San Francisco Law School
    J.D. (1994) | Jurisprudence
    Activities: Alumni Association Vice-President, Alumni Association President 1994. Member of the Alumni Board since 2004. Vice President 2008-2010.
    Placeholder image for education.
    Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
    M.A. (1975) | Economics
    Requested funds from the SIUE Student Senate and Sponsored an Economic Symposium featuring among the most illoustrous: Professor Martin Bronfenbrenner, Walter Heller, Chief Economic Advisor to President John Kennedy.
    Activities: President Economics Association, 1973
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    Hendrix College
    B.A. (1973) | Social Sciences
    Placeholder image for education.


    21 years of experience


    Law Office of Manuel A. Juarez
    2143 Cedar St.
    Suite 200
    Berkeley, CA 94709
    Telephone: (510) 841-6164
    Cell: (510) 206-4492
    Monday: Closed
    Tuesday: 10 AM - 5 PM
    Wednesday: 10 AM - 5 PM
    Thursday: 9:30 AM - 5 PM
    Friday: 10 AM - 6 PM
    Saturday: 10:30 AM - 4 PM
    Sunday: Closed (Today)
    Notice: Night hours are optional for existing clients and emergency cases until 10 pm.